How well do you know flamingo?

This quiz is about Flamingo or you could call him Albert this is a quiz to see if you are a Flamingo super FAN you could know a lot about him or know more about him

How to do this quiz First you click on what you think the correct answer is and then and the end see what your result is you don't have to take this quiz though

Created by: Makenzie coltreny
  1. Does flamingo play roblox?
  2. What is Alberts first YouTube channel?
  3. Is Flamingo/Albert single?
  4. Does Flamingo play minecraft?
  5. Is he a nice person on his girlfriends channel?
  6. Who is his best friend?
  7. What is his youtube channel today?
  8. Have you ever met him before?
  9. Does he make you laugh
  10. Did he friend you on roblox?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know flamingo?
