How well do you know ExtraPlaysMC

There are a few geniuses about ExtraPlaysMC and some fans but are you one of them or are you Extra? find out by taking The How well do you know ExtraPlaysMC

ARE You an Extra Genius? if u are just take this long quiz and please find out how much of a genius u are on extra or are u a new sub and need to find out about him

Created by: AtlanticEX
  1. How many subs does extra have (feburary 15 2016)
  2. How many skywars vid has he made?
  3. How long was his Mega walls 100?
  4. Is Extra good at PVP??
  5. What server does he mostly play on?
  6. What does he say when he fights someone
  7. Which grade is Extra in (According to him)
  8. DID he play with Th3three
  9. What do you do if u see Extra After u?
  10. Do you like Extra?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ExtraPlaysMC