How well do you know England?

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Thank you for deciding to take my quiz! I'm so glad you've taken an interest in England, because up until I was 5, I lived in London! I now live in America.

London is the capital of England. A place famous for Trafalgar Square, Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, Big Ben, and many more landmarks. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Rozi4Frank
  1. Is England a sovereign state?
  2. The first king of England made a rule that everyone had to be in bed by a certain time, but what was the time?
  3. What was the official language of the nation for 300 years?
  4. Which UK city has the largest library in the world?
  5. Where is London Bridge located today?
  6. The first postage stamp was created in the UK. True or false?
  7. Are England and the UK the same thing?
  8. Which of these was previous English currency?
  9. The Union Jack is a mix of the Irish, Welsh, English and Scottish flags. True or false?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know England?
