How well do you know Draco Malfoy?

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This quiz is created by me to test your knowledge: If you are a true Draco Malfoy fan or not. Please excuse me if you find any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes!

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Created by: Potter_head56
  1. In the first BOOK, which shop in Diagon Alley did Harry first meet Draco Malfoy?
  2. Complete this Draco quote : "Imagine being in ______. I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"
  3. When Draco challenges Harry to a wizard's duel, who does he choose as his second?
  4. What was his wand core made of?
  5. What was the name of the Malfoy's home?
  6. Which animal was Draco Malfoy turned into by Mad-Eye Moody?
  7. Why did Draco Malfoy become the Master of the Elder Wand?
  8. Who did Draco attend the Yule Ball with?
  9. Which shop in Knockturn Alley did Draco put the Vanishing Cabinet in so the Death Eaters could get into Hogwarts?
  10. What was Draco Malfoy's Patronus?
  11. Which two characters are Draco Malfoy related to?
  12. Who did Draco Malfoy end up marrying?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Draco Malfoy?
