Draco Malfoy Love Story (Part 1)

What does Draco Malfoy think of you? Take this Role playing quiz and find out! Questions are long and answers are kinda short. Harry Potter does not belong to me except Ember. Thank you!

The name I picked was RiJayne. Good job! If you want your name to be mentioned in the next quiz be sure to like/heart and comment! Be sure to share some ideas because I have a case of Writers Block!

Created by: Liberty Christianity
  1. Ember-“Hi guys I’m back with another quiz! The questions are long due to role playing. So what house do you hope to get? I’m Ravenclaw! Tell me what you think or know what your house is in the comments.
  2. It’s your first year at Hogwarts and you’re on the train and you’re so excited! You hear that Harry Potter himself is attending with you! How do you feel?
  3. All the sets are full but two. One is with the golden trio, and one with a boy with sidekicks and a girl. Who do you pick?
  4. When you get there, your house is (house)! You join the others when you see Draco looking at you. What do you do?
  5. Your first class is potions. You head down and get sit with a random Ravenclaw. Snape-“Turn to page 396. You will partner up in a pair a make liquid luck. Come to my desk and get the instructions to begin. You get partnered up with Draco and you’re about to get the instructions when Draco pulled you back down to your seat. “What was that for?!” You asked. Draco replied, “I know how to make it by heart. We don’t need it. Besides I can make it for you and you can immediately get an A+.
  6. Quidditch time! “Students! Stand by your broom and say Up with your hand outstretched.” Said Madam Hooch. You’re one of the first ones to get your broom up. You see Harry and Draco have theirs, but the others are struggling. How are you feeling?
  7. Your next class was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. While you were copying notes you saw Draco send a note to you saying. -Meet me in the Astronomy Tower after Dinner.- You looked at him with a strange look. “Miss (YN)! Is that a note?!” What do you do?
  8. It’s time to meet at the lake! But as soon as you got up Professor Quirrel comes in saying, “ Troll in the Dungeons!” We were sent to our common room until the troll was gone. (BtW- the Slytherins common room is in the dungeons!) When it’s over you two meet again and Draco confesses his feelings for you.
  9. “Did you hear? Harry Potter stopped You know who and saved the school!” One of my house menbers said. I saw a group of girls swooning as Harry walked in. While Draco look disgustedly at him.
  10. Ember-“That’s it guys I hope you liked it. Sorry if it wasn’t as good as I usually do but I started to get Writers Block so yeah. Be sure to comment and I will pick one name to mention in my next quiz! The one I picked last time was RiJayne! Btw I forgot to add a result so I had to collide it with another result. Tell me if I should do part 2! Or those quizzes like Cedric Diggory or victor Krum? Give me some ideas in the comments! (Does not effect result)

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