How well do you know Draco Malfoy?

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Hey guys!!! If Draco Malfoy existed I would totally be his girlfriend. Anyway, I decided to make a quiz about him, so you could test your own knowledge of Ferret Boy…

Never mind! I decided to make a quiz about him, so you could test your knowledge of Draco Malfoy. Oh, and please, rate and comment so I can change status level.

  1. Let’s start off by an easy one! Why does he call Hermione a “filthy little Mudblood”?
  2. Which trio is he in?
  3. When he was in Dueling Class with Harry Potter, which animal does he choose to summon?
  4. Who is his girlfriend?
  5. When he didn’t attack Dumbledore in the Half-Blood Prince book, who did?
  6. In the books, he has grey eyes. However, in the movie, he has _ eyes.
  7. What is his son’s name?
  8. He believes that he will only care for _ wizards, and he hates _.
  9. What is his favourite class?
  10. Oh, and finally, why does he like that class so much?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Draco Malfoy?
