How well do you know Dr Stone? (Easy beginner level)

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Hi everyone. I'm kinda a newbie on this website so please forgive if it's cringy. This is my first quiz in this series so it's very easy.😀❤😀❤

This basically made up of some few points about Dr Stone the anime. Nothing hard, nothing difficult, nothing challenging. Just relax and enjoy the quiz.😝😜

Created by: Chanel 33
  1. Who said this? ''Love is illogical."
  2. Who is Ryusui's chef?
  3. What colour is Senku' s hair?
  4. How long was the human race in Dr Stone petrified for?
  5. Lilian Weinberg is _____
  6. Who saves Senku and Taiju from a lion in the stone world?
  7. Who is described as the 'big oaf' by Senku?
  8. Kohaku is described as an angel by Senku and his team
  9. Suika wears a _____ rind on her head
  10. Who is Senku's adoptive father?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dr Stone? (Easy beginner level)
