How Well Do You Know Dogs?

Hello there! This quiz is about dogs has you can tell from the title. This quiz asks you questions about dogs and dog breeds and you can really tell how well you know your dogs and breeds.

Finnaly you can find out how well you know dogs it will be fun just a warning! Also prepare for you to find out just how smart you are with dogs.

Created by: luke
  1. What emotion is a dog feeling if his/her tail is up and waging.
  2. What dog breed is bigger a beagle or a germanshepard.
  3. Which dog has the highest iq?
  4. What was the most popular dog breed in the us last year.
  5. What dog breed has the highest life span out of these?
  6. What colour is the begales tip on there tail.
  7. Which dog is the most aquatic?
  8. Which is the smallest?
  9. Which dog is the most popular out of just these breeds.
  10. Do you like dogs?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Dogs? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dogs Quiz category.