are you a dog lover?

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from striking huskies to dashing collies these creatures rule the doggy kingdom. from running in a field to relaxing on the lap of their beloved master dogs are incredible. dogs should be honored for their antics and I think everybody should at least like dogs.

to find out if you do like dogs though try this quiz to show it. choose carefully or your grade may drop from 100 to 84. please enjoy my quiz! thanks!

Created by: thedogexpert

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is your favorite type of dog?
  2. what is your job going to be or is?
  3. how many dogs do you want?
  4. what do you think about dog-smell
  5. what is your opinion about poodles.
  6. do you like dogs
  7. do you like porcelaine dogs!?
  8. okay so there is a dog on the road and a car is approaching. but it turns out he's a vicious Rottweiler!
  9. your best friend is moving to florida(if you live in florida pretend she moves somewhere else) she needs to leave her dog behind! what would you do
  10. do you love dogs more than me!
  11. do you love dogs more than me!

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