How well do you know Denis Daily?

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This quiz was a fan quiz about denis daily You may have stumbled upon this quiz. If you think your a true fan, take this and find oit if your a fan :D

You can answer one or more questions, but one gives you more points, which means its the right answer, if you get negatives, that was the wrong answer

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is Denis' last name?
  2. Does Denis have a girlfriend 👧
  3. When did Denis begin Youtube (btw, to give a hint, I mean before The Pals even existed, or before he met Sketch, Alex, and Sub)
  4. How old is Denis now?
  5. What is Denis' ROBLOX username?
  6. What do you think Denis' sexuality is? (since others have different opinions, this will not affect your score)
  7. Who is Denis' ex-bff?
  8. In what state does Denis live
  9. What games does Denis play
  10. Who do you ship Denis with? (Won't affect your score)
  11. Bonus: What's the name of his cartoon show?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Denis Daily?
