How well do you know DanTDM?

Okay so this is my 2nd quiz so I hope you like it! Please tell me other quizzes you want me to make like, Am I gonna pass college or, How well do I know Jaiden Animations?

Okay so this is my 2nd quiz so I hope you like it! Please tell me other quizzes you want me to make like, am I going to pass collage or, How well Do i know Jaiden Animations? Thank you so much! Have a good day!

Created by: Jeorgia Jaungle
  1. If Dan got another million subscribers how many would he have? Don't cheat. It's not like you get a prize.
  2. What is Dan's real name?
  3. If Dan had a wife, what would her name be?
  4. What is Dan's favorite color?
  5. Did Dan finish Baldi's Basics and granny horror game? Again don't cheat.
  6. Does DanTDM have a vlogging channel? Don't cheat!
  7. If DanTDM got 50 million subscribers what play button would he get?
  8. Does DanTDM have a series called The Diamond Dimensions?
  9. Has DanTDM fell off his chair more than 10 times? don't cheat!
  10. Is DanTDM a great youtuber?
  11. When you subscribe to Dan what team do you join? Don't cheat!
  12. Does Dan Have a minecraft tattoo? Don't cheat!
  13. What number is Dan in youtube fame? DON'T CHEAT!
  14. How old is Dan in 2018 July 2nd? DON'T CHEAT!
  15. When is his birthday? DON'T CHEAT!
  16. Where does Dan live?
  17. Where was Dan's birthplace? Don't cheat!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know DanTDM?
