How well do you know DanTDM

Welcome to my danTDM quiz! I hope you have fun doing this quiz.I will like you if you just try,nobody is perfect! I like anyone who trys their hardest.

This quiz is not about how high you score it is about how hard you tryed.Take this quiz to have fun,not to win.Please make me happy by not cheating by looking at danTDM videos.

Created by: Maddie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is his second youtube channel called
  2. What breed is his dogs
  3. What animal does Dan not have in Minecraft?
  4. True or false:Dan hates Trayourus
  5. What mob is Trayourus?
  6. Does Dan have a girlfriend?
  7. If yes or has wife what is her name?
  8. What is Dan's favourite couler?
  9. What is Dan's oldest dog name?
  10. Does Dan have a diamond play button?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know DanTDM