how well do you know daniella from haunting ground?

Deep in Beli castle lies in wait a manic, schizophrenic, obsessive-compulsive maid eagar to rip out a womb and tear up yo uterus to obatain the essence of life.

This is a true quiz to see if you are a true follower of the best character from haunting ground. See if you can answer these fundermental things regarding this legend.

Created by: Daniella beavers
  1. What is her role in Beli castle?
  2. What symbol does she have on her end?
  3. What weapon does she have after the cutscene in the Jupiter room?
  4. In what ending does she not die?
  5. What colour is her uniform in hard mode?
  6. How does she die?
  7. If she is not human then she must be?
  8. Why does she hunt fiona?
  9. What creatures does she tend to?
  10. Who is her voice actor?
  11. What keys does she carry on her person?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know daniella from haunting ground?