offence or Defence

The offence mind set is score as many times as we can and keep our defense off the feild. Look pretty and show off your hard earnd skills. Your name is out there for everybody you love to make replays where the other team is on the ground while your in the endzone. Your always thinking touchdown.

Defence is the way to win a championship. Hard hitting action bone crushing hits and that pic six that changes the game. You love making replays and the news from your hit that knocked out the reciever. yo dont care whos watching as long as the other guy is on the ground and yoyur standing over him.

Created by: Brauckman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you think when you score
  2. What do you think when theres a ball in the air
  3. What do you think when your running the ball
  4. How do you tackle someone with the ball
  5. What colors are you
  6. Whats your mind set in the game
  7. Whats your favorite nick name
  8. Whats your favorite score
  9. Whats yur favorite team
  10. What do you think of a show boat
  11. What your favorite coverage
  12. Whats your favorite offence play

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