How well do you know Cole Sprouse?

Many people always watch Disney channels. Girls love the celebrity boys! They want to know about them! So, take my quiz, and you will see if you are a true fan.

Are you a true fan of cole sprouse? Do you see all his shows? Until now, you can only wonder. But thanks to this, you can find out in a matter of time

Created by: Grace
  1. What is his first show?
  2. How old is he?
  3. Who is his brother? (real life)
  4. Who is his girlfriend in suite life on deck?
  5. What is his name in the SLOZAC and SLOD?
  6. Is he a main character of the suite life movie?
  7. In SLOD, where did he and Bailey break up?
  8. What is his fake moms name in SLOZAC
  9. Who is his fake dads name?
  10. Does he have one brother?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Cole Sprouse?