How Well Do You Know Chucky

There are people who don't know much about chucky may even be scaried of him. Are you one of them? Or are you someone like me someone who gets a thrill from chucky. Th3 OfF!CaL Mrz. Chucky

Do YOU know chucky well do you. Do you love him as much as i do well i bet you dont but still try to see how much you kno about him quiz from Th3 OfF!CaL Mrz. Chucky

Created by: Th3 OfF!C!AL Mrz. Chucky
  1. Who is the first kid who got chucky
  2. What's the fisrt thing chucky told the person who picked him up?
  3. On the bride of chucky what fell on the guy tiffany was with
  4. How did chucky kill tiffany at da beginnin of the bride chucky
  5. On the seed of chucky wat did the little girl tell glen/glenda
  6. Is Glen/Glenda a boy or girl
  7. At the end of the seed of chucky wat did present did glenda/glen get with no name on da card
  8. On childs play two who did chucky kill in the class room
  9. how many yrs did it take for tiffany to find chucky
  10. Wat was tiffanys boyfriend named
  11. Who "FIRED" Joan

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