Should I write My Book?

Many peaople have origional and fantastic ideas in their minds, but do not know how to get them in reality. Some just don't have the courage. I am one of those people. Be a good angel and take this quiz to tell me what you think of my bookidea!

Monkey popsickle elephant ear table confetti apes giragges behind Chucky the clown Spongebob the gayyyy I am bored out of my mind I will go to sleep now

Created by: Alisa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Please disreguard the first questions, as they are meaninglesss to the purpose of this quiz.
  2. I am a young writer with no experience in publishing whatsoever who wants to write a book.
  3. The basic idea of my story is taking place in a distant land, perhaps even Earth before now! Like in prehistoric/Ancient Greek times. It is about the first person, a girl, who goes on a long quest to save the world from eternal darkness.
  4. This girl, named Gaya, or perhaps, Aurensola, is given the power to connect with the four elements, like in Avater Last Airbendr. She uses them to save herself and her friends in many occasions
  5. In my book, everything is close to Greek mythology, where the first living thing was Oranos, the sky. Then came the sun and moon, who constantly fought for power. In the middle of their big fight, they made the four elements, who then made the earth(planet) so it lay between the sun and moon so they couldnt fight anymore.
  6. The four elements then named this lang Elementa, or Pangea, I still haven't decided. They made the first creatures that made the planet alive. Then, the sun began to grow weaker, so the four elements craeted a human being to save it. They gave her special gifts to help her on her quest.
  7. I shall stop for now, because In case ANYONE wanted an idea I dont want them to steal mine.
  8. Have you ever tried to write a book? Its as hard as hell! I just wanted to say that
  9. Thank you for taking time out of your day to take my wierd quiz! Stay beautyful!
  10. Please rate on how good my idea is to you. If you are a gotoquz member, consider commenting as well! Thank you!`
  11. Monkey buut! Oops spelled it wrong oh well

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