How Well Do You Know Cat Life?

There are a lot of smart people, even those who claim they have read all the books in the Universe! There are only a few who know everything (well, not EVERYTHING literally!).

Do YOU know everything? Do YOU have what it takes to pass this? Of course not! Nobody does! Or, maybe you do... *laughs an evil laugh, quietly* Oh, sorry! Go on! Take the quiz!

Created by: Sparkpelt
  1. Who is the main character?
  2. What is the name of the bad guy?
  3. Does the protagonist beat the antagonist?
  4. Where does the story begin?
  5. What is the name of the jewel in the Temple?
  6. Does the main character like his companion?
  7. What are the gems used by the antagonist to prevent the protagonist from beating him, exactly?
  8. Are you involved in the story?
  9. Is Cat Life a movie or a game?
  10. And finally, who is Bliss?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Cat Life?