Are you a book nerd?

Books are great things but few people have devoted their life to reading and getting there name up there amoung some of the best. People like Shakepere, Hemmingway, King, and Dickens all started by reading and you can to.

Are you a book nerd ready to read all day or do you really not like books, find out in this quiz. Remember just because your friend does not like books that doesn't mean that you cant like books.

Created by: Saphire

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you were/are in school how much do you read?
  2. On a weekend day when you don't really have much to do (bare with me and just imagine it) how long do you read for?
  3. Do you read many types of books?
  4. Do you read many types of books?
  5. Do you have a favorite book?
  6. If you had to write a book report what kind of book would you do it on?
  7. Simple - Do you like books?
  8. Do you consider yourself a "Nerd" in general?
  9. Why are you taking this quiz?
  10. The next few questions will test how much you know about books Who wrote the oddesey
  11. How many Wizard of Oz books were writen by L.Frank Baum (Don't change your answer to the last question)
  12. Who is J.K Rowling?

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Quiz topic: Am I a book nerd?