How well do you know bugsly

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i dont know how to write this so im not gonna . basically if you know me answer this quiz to see how well you really do . if you dont know me just guess and i guess now you know a random stranger :)

okay no one reads these and i dont feel like writing one and plus i dont even know what to write so spam? yes ksbhsdbvchksjkdvabbjfbbjsfjwhdfujhuhxjkcuhwrjvruwbhj

Created by: Bugsly
  1. what is bugslys favorite color
  2. has bugsly ever been in a relationship
  3. what is bugslys sexuality
  4. what is bugslys gender identity?
  5. what pronouns does bugsly use
  6. when is bugslys birthday
  7. what is bugslys favorite holiday
  8. what does bugsly talk about?
  9. what is bugslys position in his band
  10. does bugsly have a good relationship with his family
  11. should bugsly dye his hair
  12. would bugsly ever commit a crime (minor or major ,doesnt matter)
  13. if so what kind of crime would they commit
  14. does bugsly do good with kids
  15. what is bugslys favorite drink?
  16. what is bugslys favorite animal
  17. and lastly did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know bugsly
