How well do you know BTS?

Put your ARMY skills into test and see whether you really know BTS more than yourself.......Also stream BTS upcoming album "Map of the soul:Persona" releasing on 12th April 2019.

Do you really know BTS more than yourself...........This quiz may help you to know it..........Try this quiz and see if BTS is in your blood..........

Created by: Anusree
  1. When did BTS debut?
  2. Which song was BTS's first win?
  3. Which was BTS's song for ARMY'S in "Wings"album?
  4. What is the full form of ARMY?
  5. Who is the Golden Maknae of BTS?
  6. Who is the Mom and Dad of BTS?
  7. Who is 94' liners and 95' liners?
  8. What was supposed to be Jungkook stage name?
  9. What was supposed to be Jimin's stage name?
  10. Who was featured in Jo-Kwon's "Animal" MV?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know BTS?
