How well do you know Brooklyn 99s badass?

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You better not know too much about this woman. Trust me, she’s got plenty of ways to harm you, physically and mentally and spiritually. She will break you.

Anyway, take the quiz. Seal your fate. Not my fault if you are awoken in the dead of night with her standing over you, holding a knife. Or an axe. To quote the woman herself, “What kind of woman doesn’t own an axe?”

Created by: Pride!
  1. What is her name?
  2. How old is she? (Approx.)
  3. True or false? She owns a leather jacket without a bloodstain.
  4. What is her dog’s name?
  5. When did she move (again)?
  6. Has she been to drag brunch?
  7. Is she pan?
  8. What is her dark history?
  9. Who is her current partner?
  10. What’s a licence she’s got?
  11. Has she been to business school?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Brooklyn 99s badass?

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