How well do you know Breathe Carolina?

Breathe Carolina is awesome. We all know that. But some people in this world dare to call themselves fans without knowing the basic facts about BC. Can you answer these and prove that your a true fan?

Are you a true BC fan? If your not sure take my quiz and find out. It sorts out the Wannabes and the know-nothings from the true fans. Are you part of the BC family or just sitting out wishing you knew more? Find out here.

Created by: Hi ;)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok this one is basic. Who are the members?
  2. Ok a little harder now. The first song ever recorded was...
  3. What music genre are they?
  4. What does David do?
  5. What does Kyle do?
  6. Where did the band name come from?
  7. Where did the band originate?
  8. What is the order their albums go in by year? (first, second, third)
  9. What are the record labels BC is signed with?
  10. Finally what is BC's new single that was released May 22nd 2012?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Breathe Carolina?