How well do you know ASHTON?

This quiz is about ASHTON BROOKE MURPHY! The questions are to give me a clue of how well you know me, and so on. Examples of some of the questions; what is my full name, who am i going out with, how long have i been going out with him and so on. Ask yourself if you even know me at all, because if you don't talk to me enough you well not score well at the end of this quiz. You don't have to be my best friend to get them right just have to at least know me a little.

Do you know we a lot, a little or not enough. Do you have the brain power to live up to that prestigious title. But thanks to this quiz, in a few minutes you can find out!

Created by: Ashton
  1. Who am i going out with?
  2. How long have we been going out?
  3. What is my FAVORITE scent?
  4. Who is my FAVORITE actor?
  5. Who is my Best friend?
  6. What is the first thing CORY got me?
  7. Who is my FAVORITE country SINGER?
  8. Who is my Favorite Nascar Driver?
  9. Who do i HATE? (in nascar)
  10. How many times have i been in LOVE?
  11. What is my Favorite Color?
  12. What is my full name?
  13. What is my FUTURE car?
  14. What is my FAVORITE movie?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ASHTON?