How Well do you Know Aphmau?

There are many smart people but few true geniuses.Genius is after all quite exceptional what is a genius? A genius is an extraordinarily clever person

Are YUO a genius do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title Until now you could only wonderbut thanks to this quiz in a few seconds you will find out

Created by: Isabelle Roche
  1. What is Aphmaus real name?
  2. Is Aphmau married?
  3. If she is married how many kids does she have?
  4. What are her kids in MC Diaries called?
  5. How many boys have a crush on Aphmau in MC Diaries?
  6. What game does Aphmau play at IHOP?
  7. Who does Kawaii~Chan ship?
  8. What are the names of her two mineraft dogs?
  9. If Aphmau does have a husband what is his name?
  10. What is Aphmaus favourite animal?
  11. What is Aphmaus favourite colour?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Aphmau?