How well do you know American history?

This quiz will test your knowledge about South American and North American history. From the colonisation of Ecuador to the independence of all South American nations, I wish you good luck!

All the best with this quiz. I want to remind you, this is NOT made to offend anyone. This quiz is just for entertainment and activity for when you want to do a quiz. Best of luck!

Created by: Esteban Herrera
  1. Which of the following is NOT an American or South American tribe?
  2. When was America "discovered"?
  3. When was Ecuador colonised?
  4. When was Ecuador "discovered" by the Spanish?
  5. During which time period was Ecuador a Spanish colony?
  6. When was Ecuador made a Spanish colony?
  7. Do you come from Spain?
  8. Just kidding. That other question did not do any effect to your score.
  9. There have been mysterious " " lines in Peru found by archaeologists and anthropologists. What are the names of these Quechua-made lines?
  10. Tell me the name of a dutch South American colony.
  11. By the way, question 7 did effect your score.
  12. What is the capital of Mexico? If you want a challenge, what is the capital of Colombia?
  13. Guaya-
  14. Pu-
  15. We are almost done, reader!
  16. Goodbye!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know American history?
