How well do you know All Hail King Julien?

This is a quiz to test your knowledge on the Netflix show All Hail King Julien; a prequel to the Madagascar Franchise which explores the reign of King Julien XIII, and how his character and friendships grow over time.

How well do you know this show, though? This quiz will test how much information you absorbed throughout the course of it. I hope you enjoy it! It took time…

Created by: AHKJFan
  1. Which of the below is not canon:
  2. How many professions does Clover have
  3. How many of the royal family appear in the series?
  4. What is Sage’s favourite colour?
  5. Who is the smartest lemur out of the options below:
  6. Who is worse- Karl or Bruce?
  7. What protection does Andy Fairfax give out against the “Night Creature”?
  8. Did the concept of divorce exist in the series?
  9. How many times does Ted appear in a wedding dress?
  10. Is Karl gay?
  11. What accent does Clover have
  12. How many ways can Clover kill people with?
  13. How many wives did Mort have?
  14. In “The end is near” what is Ted’s surprise?
  15. Which of the following is true:
  16. What is the name of the episode in which Mort seeks Smart Mort in his mind?
  17. What is Timo’s mother’s maiden name?
  18. In “Blackboard Jungle” what is the name of the lemur who didn’t get their graduation trophy?
  19. What was the name of the lemur Grandma Rose ate?
  20. Who does Ted play in “The Neverending Clover”
  21. Other than “On it!” what is Clover’s favourite phrase?
  22. How many episodes do Barty and Julienne appear in?
  23. What is Mort’s stage name?
  24. Is UKJ a paedophile?
  25. Other than lemurs, what do the fossa eat (in this show, I mean) ?
  26. In “The All Hail King Julien Show” why did King Julien recast Clover?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know All Hail King Julien?
