How well do you know albedo from Ben 10?

Albedo is the clone of Ben in alien force. Also Albedo is evil and likes the color red. He is looking for you to be on his side of things for his evil army.

He is the AOSTH dr. Robotnik of Cartoon Network and also a wannabe dr. Eggman with a red and black color-scheme, for this villain of truth for that matter. So let's see if you really know this character.

Created by: Ben10andMixelsJeremy
  1. What is albedo a copy of?
  2. What ultimate alien did albedo not transform into?
  3. What is albedo’s number?
  4. What color is albedo mostly?
  5. What color is albedo’s hair?
  6. What was albedo known as?
  7. What color are albedo’s eyes?
  8. The ultimate forms primary used by albedo were in?
  9. What does albedo’s true form replace?
  10. Did albedo recreate the ultmatrix?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know albedo from Ben 10?
