Are you in the school for good or evil?

Hello! Welcome to the good and evil quiz. I've read this captivating series wishing I could know which side I truly belonged too and this will hopefully help you too!

After studying almost the whole series I would consider myself as somebody who knows the characteristics of evers and nevers very well. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Bee
  1. Your friend is crying after a failed exam do you..
  2. Your best friend is asked to the ball by the person you were hoping would take you do you..
  3. Theres an assignment set with the option to pair up do you..
  4. You are going to the blue forest and see a baby animal, hurt and near dead do you..
  5. The ball is coming up and its rumoured that you will be the one date-less do you..
  6. A school fashion show is being held and you are asked to wear something you feel most comfortable in.
  7. Its lunch time! What are you having..
  8. Your feeling as though your constantly failing and need to ask a teacher for advise do you go to..
  9. What word most appeals to you?
  10. Its tracking year and your about to find out whether you are henchman, mogrif or leader. You expect to be..
  11. Lastly, you are meeting old heroes of the story of Sophie and Agatha, do you rush up to..

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Quiz topic: Am I in the school for good or evil?

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