How well do you know about TikTok?

This is a quiz where you'll will be asked questions about TikTok and what the app is about. It will be fun, exciting, thrilling, and may even be hard!

This is a good trivia for people who don't know to see if they know anything about it.Thank you for clicking on this quizz and I hope you enjoy it!!!!

Created by: Brooklynn
  1. What is TikTok used for?
  2. Who is a celeb on TikTok?
  3. Who made The Renegade?
  4. What is the #saysochallenge?
  5. What is a VSCO girl?
  6. How old do u need to be to be on TikTok?
  7. What is a move that most people incorporate into their dances?
  8. What does the (e) in E-Girl mean?
  9. What is trending now?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about TikTok?
