How well do you know about Salish matter?

Do u know about Jordan matter's daughter Salish matter take a quiz here! She is a charming girl who alsmwyas had the dream which dream? If u know it find out for yourselves!!!

She has been seen In some of Jordan matter's videos she first appeared in June in one of Jordan's tiktoks and she Is a cute little girl for Jordan but Salish..she hates emotional stuff...

Created by: BTS girl kashvi
  1. Does she eat meat?
  2. What activity does Salish Like doing the most?
  3. What is her brother's name?
  4. How old is she?
  5. When is her birthday?
  6. What job does her dad do?
  7. What is her dream to achieve?
  8. What's her best friend's bame
  9. What is her favorite subject at school?
  10. What is her least favourite subject at school?
  11. Does she like animals?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about Salish matter?
