Which Pororo and Eddy Dream Team Character are you?

Which one are you for the new pororo the little penguin video game? Be like pororo and his friends and something like so for yourself for that matter.

Somewhat being like so for anything for being like something good for dreaming like sleeping beauty or something or maybe snow white for that matter of truth.

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Are you an animal?
  5. Are you a food?
  6. Do you get kidnapped?
  7. What fictional dynamic duo you like?
  8. Do you sleep a lot?
  9. Do you eat a lot of food?
  10. Last Question... who do you expect to get? (Won´t change your answer).

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Quiz topic: Which Pororo and Eddy Dream Team Character am I?
