How well do you know about Piggy characters?

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Hi It's me again! In today piggy quiz I will show how are you good at piggy, This quiz is a little bit tricky but If you don't know read from websites!

NEW!!! My quiz will get a little bit harder so that it can test you. By the way all Piggy fan art picture will be one of me quiz image.... So be sure to take my quiz and there will be more piggy quiz! HAVE A NICE DAY!

Created by: Ariendle
  1. What does infection Mimi's weapon?
  2. Why do Mr.P create the potion?
  3. Does Pony one of the TSP?
  4. What do TSP do?
  5. Where do we meet Pony and zizzy?
  6. Why does Foxy locked in the cage?
  7. Which is the bot for forest?
  8. A Person who own Mr.P's carnival
  9. Work partner for Clowny
  10. Where does all piggy spawn?
  11. Do you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about Piggy characters?
