How well do u know Harry Potter?

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This quiz is for people who want to test there Harry Potter knowledge and think they can do the quiz with out chickening out hope u killed this quiz with out the killing curse

I can't think of anything else to say so Enjoy these random words... from a grandma house I have to do the right things for my sister to get her back to my daughter house

Created by: Haylee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What house is Harry in?
  2. What house is Harry in?
  3. What house did the sorting hate almost put Harry in?
  4. What house did the sorting hate almost put Harry in?
  5. Who was the founder of giffindor?
  6. Where was Harry born?
  7. What is Snaps first name
  8. What is Harry's middle name?
  9. What is Harry's moms name?
  10. Are unicorns real in the Harry Potter universe?
  11. Are unicorns real in the Harry Potter universe?

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