How weird are you?

Are you weird? By how much? What is the true meaning and level of weirdness? Well, thanks to this quiz, you can find out your level of weirdness in just a few minutes!

This is a fun quiz that can state your level of weirdness! Please take my quiz! I, personally, and my friends are pretty weird! I hope you will enjoy!

Created by: Lillian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you say random things at random times?
  2. Do your friends call you weird?
  3. Which describes you the most?
  4. Are you loud?
  5. Do you talk with strangers?
  6. What would your friends describe you?
  7. Naked?
  8. Do you think you are weird?
  9. Are you ready???
  10. You wanna be friends?

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Quiz topic: How weird am I?