How weird are you?

Have you been told you're weird? Do you want to find out how true that is? Well you're at the right quiz! Don't worry if you get a score you dont like, it's not 100% accurate.

It doesn't matter what other people think about you. Only what you think matters. I know that seems all cheesy, but it's true. Think about what that sentence means to you. If you understand it, than great! If not, then its alright!

Created by: Keyomii
  1. Do you drink out of a bowl like a dog? (I know this is weird, but I've seen people do it.)
  2. Crust Before Cheese, Or Cheese Before Crust?
  3. Milk Before Cereal or Cereal Before Milk?
  4. Do you eat bugs?
  5. How many times has somebody said 'You're weird' or something along that?
  6. Do you care if someone says you're weird?
  7. If you see something on one side, does it HAVE to be on the other? (Ex. A bookshelf only has 2 books. One is on the left side, and the other is also on the left side. does that bother you?)
  8. "I'm gonna smack you into next week!" What's your response?
  9. Your best friend is..
  10. Three words to describe you..
  11. You're pretty sure you have a mental disorder
  12. You laugh at one or more of the following: Poop, Number 1, Number 2, Duty, Fart
  13. Last Question... Why are you taking this quiz

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Quiz topic: How weird am I?
