How We'll do you Know Your bass clef notes?

Are you a music genius? Try this and see! Try your absolute hardest and keep on rocking! This music quiz is in honor of the best music teacher ever. She rocks!

For the last question, just take a wild guess. It is just for fun! What instrument do you play? Are you a beginner or a pro? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Orwellian

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  1. What is the note that sits directly on top of the bar?
  2. What is the note that sits on the top line?
  3. What is The note that sits on the first ledger line on top of the bar?
  4. What is the note that sits in the bottom space?
  5. What is the note that sits in the top space?
  6. What is the note that sits on the middle line?
  7. What note is on the second to top line?
  8. What is the other name for the bass clef?
  9. What is the note that sits on top of the first ledger line above the bar?
  10. What is the Highest note that I can play? (Joke Question)

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Quiz topic: How We'll do I Know my bass clef notes?