How Washington State Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Washington State Are You?

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  • Please get your facts right about Seafair. It's not just a celebration 'in the marina downtown'. The biggest attractions are the torchlight parade which runs through downtown Seattle the first Friday in August, and the hydroplane races on Lake Washington happen two days later on Sunday.

    • And also the Blue Angels Jet Blast Bash.

  • The seafair question was really bad. Seafair takes place all over the region, and I'm not really aware of any events "in the marina downtown". Question 6 is overly vague, but the closest answer is that it rains 90% of the time lol. Question 7, western Washington natives would not call it "the sound", this sounds like something a Californian would say. #16 Chief Seattle did really use that name. The way it's spelled is heavily anglicized, but that was his name.

    • And Isaquah is pronounced ISS-A-KWAH there's no Z sound.

  • I was born and raised in New Jersey but have lived in Spokane 34 years (almost half my life). I agree with those comments about only one question about Eastern Washington. Just proves what those of us who live here have come to believe that those in Western Washington don't think much about us and nothing over here counts. They should get to know us more. And I'd like to know the answers and which ones I answered correctly. I received 90% and some were guesses.

  • 100% on the test and 100% born and raised, lived half my life on the west side and half on the east (central to be technically correct.) I went to school at a time when we were taught the history of both sides of Washingtn State (can you say the Whitman Massacre?) but I can't imagine a WA native missing any of these questions, the Seafair question, the right answer is the MOST correct answer ;). Same for the WASL test. It's funny how huffy people get when they miss easy questions. I'm guilty of it, too, so no disrespect meant!

    • shut up delicious go jump off a cliff you aint even delicious so stfu liar

    • yessss slayyy

  • All of these questions were based on the Western side of Washington! The author should give some respect to us fellow Eastern Washingtonians! How is "Chelan" pronounced? Where did the name Wenatchee come from? Where is Omak? How do you get to Spokane from Seattle? What lake in Washington State is the third deepest in the US?

  • You need to have an "I have no idea" option for most of those questions, as I had no idea on the majority of them. Also, 90% percent of the questions were related to Seattle...not everybody in Washington lives in Seattle. I've lived in Washington for all my 18 years but I've lived in eastern Washington so naturally I don't know a whole lot about Seattle and western Washington.

  • 96% - - not bad since I've lived here for all but 2 months of my nearly 59 years. It would helpful if the correct answers were posted so we could see what we missed. Also, Boeing isn't headquartered in Seattle any more - corporate offices are now in Chicago.

  • Lifelong resident of Eastern WA so missed some of the wet side Q's. Add some dryside questions and level the field for those of us that don't live in Seattle like where is the "Devil's Well", "Blue Stem", or "White Bluffs".

  • Washingtonian all the way, but this is majorly biased toward West-siders. Can we have a little east-side representation please? You know... Hanford, Dry Falls, Missoula floods, the dams. stuff like that.

  • Why were all the questions based on Seattle? Whoever made this quiz obviously think Washington is only Seattle. I've lived in Washington all my life, this person clearly has only lived in Seattle. IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE A QUIZ ABOUT WASHINGTON MAKE THE QUESTIONS ABOUT OTHER PARTS OF WASHINGTON BESIDES SEATTLE.

    • exactly, seattle isnt all of washington

  • I agree with the lack of Eastern Washington questions. What about the Omak run? Where the two major AFB are located? What people from Walla Walla call the Milton-Freewater area? What town is Applets and Cotlets factory located in? What famous town was Northern Exposure filmed in?

  • This should be "How King County are you". When the only Eastern Washington question is a question about how different it its from Western Washington, then this isn't a quiz about Washington.

  • Most of the questions where about the history of Washington and most are about Seattle... I'm from Tacoma and i only got 14%... Then again I was born in Arizona and have only been here for 6 years

  • The WASL IS NOT a standardized test!
    Some of the answers are wrong!

    A standardized test is a test administered and scored in a consistent manner. The tests are designed in such a way that the "questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent" [1] and are "administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.

    Bob Wegotababyitsaboy
  • I got 52%. I've lived in Washington all my life, but in a small(ish) town, and we travel out of state a lot. A lot of these questions were very vague and the pronunciations were not clear.

  • It would be nice to see the actual answers after getting your score. I'd like to correct my ignorance, but can't since I don't know which questions I got wrong.

  • Lived here all my life and got 94%. Not sure which ones I got wrong. Yeah some of the answers were not quite right but I was able to choose the one I was pretty sure they wanted.

  • I was born on Long Island New York but have lived most

    of my life near Tacoma Washington. I really like it here,

    more sunny days than most people think. Alice

    • alice if you dont stfu rn i will eat your house

  • im a vampire and hate this.if ur reading this be sure to take my latest quiz,"Will you have a Vampire Prom Date???",4 girls ONLY!!!!Since im

    a vampire if you take my quiz your test result will be true and 100%

    accurate.Again im a vampire and if you dont belive me ive taken twelve quizzes and theyve all said im a vampire.

  • im a vampire and hate this.if ur reading this be sure to take my latest quiz,"Will you have a Vampire Prom Date???",4 girls ONLY!!!!Since im

    a vampire if you take my quiz your test result will be true and 100%

    accurate.Again im a vampire and if you dont belive me ive taken twelve quizzes and theyve all said im a vampire.

  • Haha! Born and raised 15 years in this great state of ours... And I only got 56% ! Maybe it's 'cause I live so close to Canada and never paid any attention to our state history.

  • Question 13 has no correct answers listed. SeattleBaby had it right with that first comment six years ago and you haven't fixed it yet?????

  • 20 percent. Not a surprise. I moved here only a couple weeks ago. But certainly I can pronounce Puyallap. That's where I live in Pierce county.

  • It is Seattle not Washington

  • Mt. Saint Helens erupted in 2008! As a Washington native, I think whoever made this quiz needs check their facts!


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