How vegatarian are you

There are many people out there who don't take no notice of animals.take this easy quiz to find out how much you love animals and how much vegatarian are you.

Do you like ,notice, love or hate animals.well this easy quiz will tell you how much you love animals if you are not quite sure about it.have fun with it!

Created by: Layla
  1. Would you rather go to the horsefield of the play park?
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. When you go in to a pet shop you. . .
  4. Do you like animal stories?
  5. Do you eat fish or meat?
  6. Do you like the smell of pets?
  7. Do you mind getting pet hairon your stuff?
  8. When a cat comes to you outside you:
  9. do you check the labels of foods for meat?
  10. Do you give money to animal rescue centres or would you like to?

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Quiz topic: How vegatarian am I