What Diet Related To Vegetarianism Should You Go On?

In this quiz, you will be answering questions to find out what diet is best for you in relation to vegetarianism. Questions in this quiz relate to what you eat on a daily basis, what restaurants you love to attend, and if you want to help solve the world issue of animal abuse.
The possible diets that could be right for you are a vegan (someone who doesn't eat any animal products), vegetarian (someone who doesn't eat meat), pescatarian (someone who doesn't eat any meat besides fish), chicketarian (someone who doesn't eat any meat besides chicken), or the average eater of everything (omnivore)! The tie between eating habits and saving animals is that the meats humans eat often involve mistreatment of animals. For example, animals may be housed in over-crowded situations or be fed substandard foods. In addition to animal mistreatment, this can lead to disease in animals and in humans. Following any diet that restricts meats eaten can help this big problem.