How unique are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How unique are you?
You are 27% unique.
You are nice,but think those different from you wierd,and try to stay away from them.You care what people think,and show it.You wouldnt eat some grass,or run around in circles.Thats just wierd.I am only guessing at this,so dont be offended.
I'm not offended, but I do run around in circles (sometimes) and I have eaten grass out of curosity. lol. :P
27% okay quiz
45%, well that doesn't discribe me.
45% alright quiz....lolz @tomboykaitie...hav ent we all done that! ;)
27% i aint offended but i run in circlez durin bad situationz & ya iv eatin grass...
splinter1 -
wth i keep makin typoz!>:|
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