how trailer park trash are you?

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IT SAYS IN THE TITLE WHAT THIS QUIZ FOR ID DIHUWuihewuifhewuifhuiewhfuiewhfuihfiufjsadncjknsadjkcnsadjkcnasjdkcnjkasncjkad---jnwejknwjkwjefghjhgfbdnfjnfjknfjn


Created by: tingles
  1. do you live in a trailer park or in a mobile home community?
  2. what clothes do you wear?
  3. are you pregnant?
  4. do you have a lot of kids from different women/wives? (if you are a woman who did/do you have a lot of boyfriends)
  5. do you cheat on your partner?
  6. Are you a heavy drinker (especially of beer)
  7. Do you take any kind of drugs- (smoking, pills, shots etc)
  8. Are you on any type of support or welfare from the government? (food stamps, EBT, welfare check etc.)
  9. do you argue very loudly so every one can hear your argument
  10. this question does not effect anything

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Quiz topic: How trailer park trash am I?
