how to tell you like someone

This is a quiz where you can find out if you have a crush on someone. take it if you think you found love, take it if you don't. after all, you can never be sure!

Created by: HarDes of quiz is on you
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do you feel when they look at you?
  2. what do you do when they talk to you?
  3. do you have their number/email?
  4. do you ever miss them when theyre not around?
  5. who would you kill: parent/guardian or your (maybe) crush?
  6. what face symbol matches your face best when you see them?
  7. do you feel safe around them? or terribly awkward?
  8. are they the kind of person that you like?
  9. what is your reaction when I say "you kiss them"
  10. What is your reaction when I say "they hate you!"

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