how to tell if my cat is deranged | Comments

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  • My cat is just weird, hm...

    When she was four months old, she disappeared into the forest and came back dragging a rabbit twice her size. That's my girl.

    "Make room, make room, down in the coffin there's a coffin or two. Dead chic, so cool, the cannibals are starving when they're looking at you..."

    -'Make Room'

  • Weird cat,I did the test on my oldest cat I have and she is actually quite laid back and chill usually but most/all of the cats I own are really weird and unique in their own way.

  • I'm disappointed that my cat is only moderately (77%) deranged. He can do better than that. If you had asked:

    1) Does your cat think he is being chased by invisible demons - YES

    2) Does he chase them back - YES
    We could have hit 100%.......oh well


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