how super-awesome-beast r u? CLICK HERE

this quiz will rock your world dude!! You have to figure out if youre super-awesome-beast with this quiz. im sure youll like it. now click it i tell you.. i know you want to now click the quiz please..if you do i will give you a cookie..maybe even two if you do really well.

cmon allready click the stupid freggin thing, so you can figure out if your super-awesome-beastuh. i know you really want to.. i can see you through the screen and i can hear your heart beating with agony cuz you really want it!!!

Created by: Ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know my name?
  2. do you like twilight?
  3. are you having fun with this quiz?
  4. do you think that you are smarter than a fifth grader?
  5. what kind of music do you like?
  6. do you like school?
  7. will you be my best friend?
  8. do you like muffins or hotdogs?
  9. do you visit youyube every chance you get?
  10. are you ready to find out the results?

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