How Strong Are Your Telekinetic Powers?

Do things move or break around you randomly? When you try to make them break or move does it work? If so, you've come to the right place. If not, please find another quiz.

We'll be testing how strong your telekinetic ability it is, whether it be strong or weak (you might have another power, or be powerless). Go forth.. ~Becca

Created by: Becca
  1. Try to make something move with your mind. Does it work?
  2. How often are you successful with telekinesis?
  3. What type of things are you best at moving?
  4. Do you believe with all your heart that you have this ability?
  5. Do you have any other powers besides telekinesis?
  6. Are you strong physically, when you lift things up with your hands?
  7. Do you meditate?
  8. How strong do you think your ability is?
  9. Can you change the world?
  10. Fate.

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Quiz topic: How Strong am Ir Telekinetic Powers?
