How strong are you? | Comments

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  • 27% strong, lol

    I honestly cannot argue with that, though it's not because I eat a lot of junk food... I'm not fat, I actually have a six pack but it's probably because I'm really skinny and my metabolism hasn't completely kicked in yet (I'm 14). I have an arm injury that prevents me from doing upper body workouts. I was also born with asthma and scoliosis, among other things, so physical activity isn't really my thing

  • I got 0% strong lol. Im a 13 year old boy. I am not surprised I'm not fat though I'm really skinny and I have no upper body strength. I eat junk food all the time I don't play sports because I'm bad at it. I also don't exercise. It isn't really my thing. I'd much rather just read my books or do some homework and school stuff. I loce that!

    Josh Palmer
  • I'm a 14 year old boy, I got 49% Strong. I play soccer year round and basketball in the winter. I would consider myself strong, I have a 6 pack and decent biceps, very strong calves and thy mussels. I would guess I did bad on the test because I put that I eat lots of junk food (which I do). I workout pretty regularly and try to always be active, I would agree with the 49% though. Overall this is a fun test to take and I highly recommend it if your looking for something to do.

    Blaise Mosher
  • I’m 13 year old girl and got %80 I do gymnastics three times a well each for four hours I play sport at school have a trampoline eat vegetables and fruit once or twice a packet of chips and yeah 👍

    Londonywaj q
    • That is good. I got 56 percent. But this is before my gcse are done.

      Ahmed Shahab
    • Now I am scared because after being boy i got 0 and you being girl got 80 I am jealous and scared at same time..

  • Seriously... 25%... OBESE!??!? I CAN'T EVEN PICTURE MYSELF AS OBESE! I AM THE SKINNIEST PERSON I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE! I still eat junk food, because my mum packs it into my lunch, and I play sports everyday because I HAVE TO because SCHOOL. Dude srsly I can make a hole in my shoulder I'm THAT skinny!!!

  • I,m 83% strong because I have joined dayboarding school and there are lots of activities. When I come home after my school, first I get freshin up a little bit and then go to my extra activity classes such as : Music&Yoga. After then I go and play outdoor games with my friends and then study.I eat junk food very rarely and eat lots of healthy food.

  • Meh, Im only 66% strong. I thought Ive done enough exercise, but after taking this quiz, I realised I have to do way more exercise than Im doing right now. Ill take the quiz again after a few months to see if I get a higher percentage!

  • I'm a girl, almost 13 and got something like 26%... it said I was obese and do not play sports but I am literally faster and stronger than all the boys in my gym class... people tell me I'm a good athlete and I have some muscle...which surprises me bc I eat a lot of junk food xD

    But really, I do love sports! They're awesome!

  • Funny I got 21% saying I'm weak lol. Ok last time I checked if you benched more then you weigh and make a 100pound heavy bag jump your strong. I must be weak since I can do that

    • i can bench double my weight and workout almost 30 hours a week. i got 59 because i said i eat junk food lmao, dont rely on this quiz

  • this is a dumb quiz. I exercise almost every day, I almost never get sick, and while my food choices arent perfect, they are decent. i only got 52% but I would expect something like 75% or something like that.

  • this is completely inaccurate. I exercise almost every day of the week and I am pretty healthy. I only got 52 which is not accurate. don't take the results of this quiz seriously because it sucks.

  • False. I exercise regularly. Take healthy food. I like to have veggies. They are tasty.

  • You are 61% strong.

    You have some strength. You try to exercise and eat your vegetables and fruits, but you still have slight problems with junk food. Exercise more if you want more strength. Good job, anyway.

    lol!!! thats my sistr!!!!!not me!!!wheres the kimi answer????????????? ?lol!!!

  • i got 50% how does a person who can lift a small car and if playing rugby or american football just ignore the opposing team and smash through everyone, i don't need to workout or eat health so if i whore to do that i would be way two bulky, this doesn't judge strength this just asks what you eat and how much you workout ever think that some people are just strong and that's it

  • I'm 15 and was told I was %92.I'm happy with that I can do 30 pull ups,and 70 dips and 80 press ups. I work out everyday so I'm not really surprised

  • ho il 74% (16 anni) mi alleno molto regolarmente in palestra almeno 4 volte a settima e faccio occasionalmente push up a casa. mangio cibo spazzatura solo un pasto a settimana e ho una dieta bilanciata di proteine verdure e carboidrati ogni giorno sinceramente questo risultato mi sembra pi che coerente

  • I got 20%?

    I'm 17 years old, and I am 5'11 to 6'2 and my weight is 210 lbs. I can deadlift more than 500 lbs and I'm certainly not a toothpick.

    Sir Claymore
  • I got 16% strong

    Not surprised. I’m a 22 year old male about 140 lbs. I play a couple of sports recreationally but I don’t lift weights or go to the gym. I can’t bench or squat my bodyweight and my diet is pretty much down the middle.

    The Look Guy
  • pfft. sure im weak but i aint nowhere near fat and i never will be. im just a skinny healthy 15 yr old who lives a sedentary lifestyle and its in my genes to be this way

  • i'm inspired! lol

    i have purchased p90x nd will be starting today.

    wish me luck! :D

  • 13%. Gamer for 10 years and drinks a lot of Dr. Pepper. Actually stopped gaming today. I need to get a life. :)

    Abstract King47
  • im a 11 year old girl and i got 93% xD

  • I got 75% and I'm 12 probably cause I'm the arm wrestling champ of my class

  • True I do have a problem with junk food. I'll try to reduce junk food

    Ahmed Shahab
    • I got 56 percent. I just need to reduce junk food and eat more veggies and also when my gcse are done I'm going to be training MMA every single day so Now I'll be 100 percent strong

      Ahmed Shahab
  • I’m 14 and got 68%, I weigh 120lbs. How? How am I a 68 and I don’t even lift or workout? I just eat healthy and play sports regularly


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