How Southern are you?

Are you a true southerner? I am! So take this quiz to see if you are too!!

Have Fun Ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Cloe'
  1. Which do you use more often?
  2. What does most of your community drink?
  3. What is the average temperatures in the summer?
  4. Which show is your favorite?
  5. Which State do you live closest to?
  6. How do you pronounce "Oh"
  7. How often does it snow in you area in the winter?
  8. Are any of these popular in your area; crawfish, Shrimp, gumbo, catfish?
  9. How did Ya'll like this quiz?
  10. Just so you know... I am from Louisiana and I am a real Southerner!

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Quiz topic: How Southern am I?