Do you have a complete Southern Accent?

Do you want to know how southern you are? You are probably a bit more southern than you think, Take this here short quiz and find out the answer once and for all!

I am a southerner. I am from Kentucky and I love being southern! Maybe y'all from down south in Mississippi don't like me and my so-called southern roots, but I sure do.

Created by: Ashley
  1. Do you pronounce "cot" and "caught" the same way?
  2. Do the words "pen" and "pen" sound the same to you?
  3. How do you pronounce the first syllable of "lawyer"?
  4. How do you pronounce the word "route"?
  5. How many syllables does the word "chair" have when you say it?
  6. What does the word "get" rhyme with?
  7. How do you pronounce "again"
  8. How do you pronounce the second syllable in "pajamas"?
  9. Does the word "on" rhyme with "don" or with "dawn"
  10. How do you say "caller" and "collar"?
  11. What do you say when addressing a group of people?
  12. Do you ever say "bless your heart"?
  13. Have you ever made/eaten collard greens

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Quiz topic: Do I have a complete Southern Accent?
