How smart are you?

Random but vital for your... just take the *amn quiz already! Now watch me write random crap for you to read. This is absolutely useless... don't read any of it.

Take the quiiiiiiiz. Now watch me write random crap for you to read. This is absolutely useless... don't read any of it... nope, not a single bit.... noooot even a litttle.....

Created by: Chad

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many shoes do you have?
  2. Where did I put the t.v. remote?
  3. If you had three eyes how many eyes would you have?
  4. Where did Mr. Crepsley get his orange hair? (Cirque Du Freak Character)
  5. Am I blue?
  6. Tibber-nonnifigly?
  7. Who put the chicken in the chicken bag?
  8. Are you immature.
  9. Is this the last question?
  10. THE END!!!

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?